MoTeC LTCD NTK (Dual Lambda to CAN Module)
MoTeC LTCD NTK (Dual Lambda to CAN Module)

$ 695.00

Vendor: MoTeC


MoTeC’s LTCD NTK (Dual Lambda to CAN) modules monitor, control and diagnose NTK Lambda sensors, transmitting readings on a CAN bus. When multiple LTCD NTKs are used, up to 32 Lambda sensors can be configured on a single CAN bus allowing an ECU or logging device to simultaneously monitor numerous Lambda sensors.


NOTE: MoTeC’s LTCD NTK is also available in a singular version, LTC NTK


  • Provides accurate Lambda measurement even when exhaust gas temperature is changing rapidly (heating or cooling)
  • Calibrated by the user for a particular sensor using either the initial sensor factory calibration or a free air calibration
  • Install as a single unit or in multiples
  • Pre-configured to suit a single LTCD NTK unit installation
  • Cost effective


  • Compatible fuel:





               -user defined 'blend' fuel

  • Comprehensive diagnostic and status channels
  • Calibration methods:

               -automatic, using the sensor's built-in calibration resistor

               -known oxygen environment

  • Standard configuration tables
  • Configurable to compensate for sensor aging and contamination
  • Accuracy +/– 1.5%
  • Operating range:

               -Lambda 0.65 to 10

               -AFR 9.5 to 147 for gasoline/petrol

    NOTE: MoTeC’s LTCD NTK is also available in a singular version, LTC NTK